Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trane Announces BIM Support

BIM is a growing trend in the industry and Trane is one of few HVAC manufacturers developing BIM objects of our products for customers. Trane will continue to increase the numbers of products available in BIM format throughout the year.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Act Now to Prepare for the Smart Grid

My co-editor of the OASIS smart grid standard argues that you don't have to make any controls decisions now to prepare your building project for the smart grid.

As a product portfolio manager for controls at Trane, I must disagree.

First and foremost, I recommend that you work with someone you trust to take a systems approach to your controls projects. Too many vendors will slap a standards label on their widgets and promise that you're prepared for the future. Standards are critical, but it takes more than standards. The key to an energy efficient building now and into the future is to apply a control system that works well with your mechanical equipment to provide the a safe, comfortable, and efficient building.

At Trane, we'd be happy to help you with that.